Sdogi's comics

Sunday, September 28, 2008

This blog is only semi-dead

Sorry about dumping you my friends. I will revive this blog once when I get some more time. For now your only option is to check out the old ones and if you like then pressure me with comments to pick my comics career up faster.

Lot of things have happened and currently I'm very busy with Bush IQ. If I get that project running though then you can be sure that I'll return to writing my comics. I also got scanner now so it should make my life much more easier.

Hopefully we I'll get back to this comics very soon, stay tuned :)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Beast #4

Wow. Again I haven't updated my blog like over month... I have to stop doing this. I hope you use the RSS feed thing, or maybe you should join mailing list. Blah actually, maybe I should just go over my day plan and make some more time. Oh and by the way. Next strip is going to be very violent ;)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Beast #3

Hm, haven't been updating lately again well, duh I was like going to but I was up 3 days straight so I thought that it is just one day. From now on I'll try to sleep more

Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Beast #2

Don't try this at home! If you do then mix it with milk because fertilizer doesn't taste as good as the picture on the box suggests. Those flowers are so happy on that box, little little flowers, I hope they get water regulary.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Omlet - The Beast 1

Who would belive a red-eyed "puppy" wagging his tail? Omlet would ;)

Friday, March 03, 2006

The Omlet - Intro part VII (End of Intro)

Sorry about not updating so long.

Friday, January 20, 2006

The Omlet - Intro part VI

ja v6tke teadmiseks, et kui Arnold ja Ingrid koju j6udsid, oli pidu juba alanud!
TRANSLATION: our president has a nightclub